

Unlock the power of events in Retirement Maps. See how changing your client's Risk Number®, income, or expenses over time will affect their overall risk capacity.

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Take Retirement Maps to the next level

Advisors love using Retirement Maps to assess risk capacity and calculate a client’s probability of success. And with your client’s Risk Number in hand, it’s easy to illustrate how much risk they need to reach their goals.

With dynamic Timeline events, Retirement Maps becomes an incredible precursor to a comprehensive financial plan. With just a few clicks, clients can visualize the impacts of paying for a child’s college education or shifting their Risk Number in retirement.

Empower clients to set goals fearlessly

No matter what situation your client is facing, you’ve got the tools to prove their probability.

Can your client afford a vacation home? Drop it on the timeline.

Want to see the effects of Social Security? Add it with a click.

Timeline is dynamic and interactive, helping facilitate conversations around what is most important. Plot events onto the Timeline and see them reflected in the Retirement Maps calculation in real-time.

Every tool at your disposal.

It’s never been easier to set expectations with clients, prove your fiduciary care, and grow your business.